What’s New in the Healthcare Privacy Compliance Handbook, 3rd Edition [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

Recently the Health Care Compliance Association released the new Health Care Privacy Handbook, 3rd Edition. To learn what’s new in the book and in healthcare privacy we sat down with editorial lead Darrell W. Contreras, Chief Compliance Officer, Millennium Health and one of the authors, David Nelson, PrivacyGuy Solution.

As they explain in the podcast, the new version provides a baseline on updates to the many laws and regulations affecting privacy in the healthcare industry, including:

  • Breach notifications
  • Research
  • Health plan and payer issues
  • 42 CFR Part 2
  • The Privacy Act of 1974

There are also tips and guides for privacy professionals.

What makes the book so valuable, they explain, is that the contributors were able to provide not just what the rules say but also a perspective from years of experience, helping to make complex issues easier to understand.

Staying current on these issues is more important than ever, with Homeland Security warning of increased phishing attempts by bad actors during the pandemic, a time when many people are working remotely and on less-secured laptops.

Listen in to learn more about what’s going on in privacy and what you can find inside the pages of the third edition of the Healthcare Privacy Compliance Handbook.