Why join Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE)®? You may already have a strong compliance program in place, but changing times demand more. Changes in regulations demand regular attention and action on your part. Membership to SCCE is your opportunity to take part in and gain from activities on the compliance horizon. You will:
- Have access to timely and accurate information that SCCE offers its members.
- Benefit from networking and exchange among other compliance professionals.
- Attend conferences (at discounted rates), where you will learn from experts in the field and network with compliance professionals.
By becoming a member of SCCE, you are joining a culture that says, “Let’s do it right!” Help your staff do more than the minimum and expand your professional resource network. A thoroughly pro-compliance mindset is a must for all of us involved with compliance! Let SCCE membership move you and your organization closer to a total compliance spirit.
Visit our website for rates and links to membership applications.