Snell & Fox: Unfair and Unbalanced


Snell & Fox: Unfair and Unbalanced by Roy Snell

2014-snell-roy-speaking-headshot-200By Roy Snell
[email protected]

Tom Fox, as many of you know, is a tremendous outside counsel who has embraced compliance like few others in his profession. Tom and I have recently started a regular podcast called Snell & Fox: Unfair and Unbalanced. It’s too early to know for sure, but I fully expect a phone call or two telling me the name of the podcast is problematic. As you can imagine, as the CEO of an organization of 16,000 compliance professionals, I come under a fair amount of scrutiny—so being offbeat has not been a large part of my work life for 15 years. But given how serious this profession is and how prolonged the seriousness can be, I think we could use a little offbeat. I really hope we get a pass on this name because I think it’s very funny—and I need a break. The topics on the podcasts, however, are very serious.

We have already recorded a few episodes and are about to go live with them. So far, we don’t have a theme for each podcast, nor have we talked about having one. We just start asking questions of each other and the topic of conversation can end up going in any direction. Spontaneity is often lacking in our structured world, but it can actually be more interesting. Compliance people can be very careful people. Careful is very important. However, careful can be the hobgoblin of the interesting.

Tom and I agree on too many compliance principles. When we disagreed on a couple of small things, that conversation was more interesting. Disagreement often helps you clarify your point and can be a very creative process that helps you think of new things. After the third podcast, we discussed the fact that disagreement was more interesting, but had been lacking. So we decided to record a few of these podcasts at a conference and find someone to join us. We want to find someone who has disagreed with something we have said. We want to find someone who has an opposing view.

The next opportunity to do this is coming up soon.  We are going to tape a few podcasts at the SCCE Utilities and Energy conference in Houston February 21st to the 23rd.  If you will be there and are interested in being treated in an unfair and unbalanced way… let Tom or I know.  Unless this podcast idea is derailed we may also be taping some at the April HCCA and Fall SCCE annual conferences.

[bctt tweet=”New podcast: Snell & Fox: Unfair and Unbalanced @RoySnellSCCE @tfoxlaw”]


  1. I think you are safe from an Intellectual Property standpoint…who would ever accuse you of violating their trademark by claiming that THEY are the only ones who are unfair and unbalanced?

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