Ronald Chapman II on Healthcare Enforcement Trends [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

Healthcare enforcement is never quiet. There’s always something, or many things, going on, and compliance teams need to stay on top of the trends to ensure that their programs are staying ahead of the risks.

To find out where things are today, we spoke with Ronald Chapman II, author of the book Unraveling Federal Investigations, defense attorney with Chapman Law Group and president of Chapman Consulting Group.

In this podcast he identifies several areas of intense enforcement activity:

  • Drug testing labs are under scrutiny, particularly around the number of panels and reflex testing
  • Telemedicine continues to be a hot area as well
  • Venture capital firms are entering healthcare and/or deepening their investment, often with complex payment arrangements and without sufficient antikickback review
  • Aggressive telemarking in the durable medical equipment space persists
  • Credentialing issues, especially for smaller entities, are resulting in non-payments and fraud allegations

On the criminal side, he notes that controlled substance prescribing is in prosecutors’ eyes, often coupling these cases with fraud charges, leading to a one-two punch.

Listen in to learn more about what healthcare enforcement authorities are doing and how to strengthen your compliance efforts.