Rob Tull on Demonstrating Competence [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

Rob Tull (LinkedIn), Managing Director at Effective Compliance LLC wants every compliance officer to be both competent and able to demonstrate it. He advocates for the development of four sequential, underlying skills:

  • Communication
  • The ability to be aware of risks
  • Adaptability, and
  • Decision-making/judgement

Underlying all of them is knowledge, and together they form a framework for effective compliance programs.

The single most important competency area, he argues, is communication. The ability to translate complex laws and regulations into simple language that helps the business make good decisions is paramount. So, too, is the ability to tailor your message to the audience:  management and the board likely need to hear something different than line managers.

Listen in to learn more about what makes for competency for compliance professionals.

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