Kristy Grant-Hart on Compliance Websites [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub
[email protected]

These days everything is online, well, most everything.  As Kristy Grant-Hart of Spark Compliance Consulting discovered, compliance program information is often the exception.  It may not be there at all, or not be as optimized as it should be.  For example, one third of the Codes of Conduct available on sites surveyed weren’t even in color.

When she sat down with us at the Berlin European Compliance and Ethics Institute she advised compliance professionals not to think of the website as just the website.  Instead, ask:  What does the website say about the compliance program?  Is it painting the right picture of your program?  Do you have the disclosures necessary under the UK and California human trafficking and modern slavery laws?  Is the code of conduct up?  Is there a CEO letter?

Your employees, venture capital firms, and even prospective employees may be looking.

Also looking at the site are individuals who want to raise a potential issue.  These people may work at your organization or for a vendor or supplier.  If it’s difficult for them to find the helpline info, they may keep silent or raise their issues elsewhere.

Listen in to learn more about how your compliance program can raise its web game