Kim Brandt on What’s New from CMS: A 2019 Update [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub
[email protected]

Kim Brandt, Principal Deputy Administrator for Operations at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) shared with the attendees at the 2019 HCCA Compliance Institute what the latest is from CMS, and what to expect in the coming months.

For those who missed her talk, she was kind enough to sit down for a podcast and provide us with an extensive look at what CMS has done and will be doing.  Listen in as she shares:

  • The vast number of comments received on provider burdens, and how extensively CMS is actively addressing them
  • The comprehensive review of Medicare Conditions of Participation with the goal of removing obsolete, duplicative or unnecessary requirements
  • Progress on the Patients Over Paperwork initiative
  • CMS’s efforts to make data more transferable and accessible for patients
  • What CMS is doing to stem the opioid epidemic, including for new opioid prescriptions
  • Exploration of new value-based models
  • The new Medicaid program integrity strategy, and the audits that followed

There’s a lot to learn.  Don’t miss the chance to learn directly from her.


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