Kim Brandt on What’s New at CMS [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub
[email protected]

Kim Brandt is a familiar voice and face for the compliance community, having worked at both CMS and in the Senate for well over a decade.  Currently she serves as the Principal Deputy Administrator for Policy and Operations at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

In this podcast she shares the latest on what CMS is doing and what compliance professionals need to consider. Listen in as she shares:

  • The emphasis on patients over paperwork
  • CMS’s efforts to reduce the regularly burden, which has already led to a 20% decrease in new manual pages
  • New, simplified documentation requirements
  • Revised proof of delivery requirements
  • How CMS is meeting the opioid epidemic
  • A focus on targeted probes and education
  • A new emphasis on outreach to and hearing from the provider community, including an RFI on Stark Law.


  1. I agree that we all need to put “The emphasis on patience over paperwork”, but patients are equally important.

    • That was my typo, Hannah. It should have been “patients over paperwork” all along. I just typed incorrectly.

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