Joseph Agins on Compliance by Wandering Around [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub
[email protected]

Joseph Agins, Compliance Officer for Sam Houston State University in Texas isn’t a big fan of sitting behind the desk.  Instead he believes in what he calls “compliance by wandering around.”  As he explains in the podcast, that doesn’t mean roaming the halls endlessly.  It’s much more strategic than that.

It includes meeting with employees, compliance partners and management so that the compliance team has a better idea of what people are doing, while at the same time providing an opportunity to demonstrate the value proposition of compliance.

It is also an opportunity to break down barriers and truly listen to people, understand what they do, provide assistance and get better results, including making the workforce more comfortable about bringing issues to compliance.   Likewise, it’s easier to hear about problems when you are out and about.

Listen in to learn more about how to wander purposefully.