John Wilson on Hotline Benchmarking [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

Is your hotline ringing enough or too much?  Are you getting too many calls in one risk area or country?  Not enough in another?  And is the telephone-based helpline really all you need anymore?

To help answer these questions UK-based hotline provider Expolink recently released its fourth annual Whistleblowing Benchmarking Report.  In this podcast, Expolink Chief Executive John Wilson discusses some of the highlights with us.

Notably, the data shows that picking up the phone, as opposed to using online channels, has declined considerably through the years.  And, while actual calls now account for less than half of all reports, there is still great value to them.  People often prefer and can be more forthcoming when there is another person on the other side of the line.  In addition, they are less likely to be anonymous.

Listen in as we discuss this issue as well as additional findings including:

  • Whether the fear of malicious reports through anonymous channels is warranted
  • The number of calls that are HR-related rather than compliance-focused
  • The impact of the #MeToo movement on helpline contacts
  • The often substantial variations by country in the types of reported violations, use of anonymous vehicles and reporting methods
  • The rise in confidential reporting


  1. Excellent podcast on one of my favorite topics! Also, was not previously aware of this benchmarking report which I will be downloading asap. Well done and thank you Adam and John!

  2. Is there anyway to get a transcript of the podcast? I am developing a proposal around hotline changes and want to reference some of the points made by John. I just could not write fast enough. Thank you for your consideration.

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