Jay Anstine on Selling Compliance [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

Jay Anstine (LinkedIn), President of Bluebird Healthlaw Partners, recently wrote a blog post I spotted entitled How to Sell Compliance Without “Selling” Compliance. It struck home, and I asked if he cared to do a podcast about it.

He said yes and explained in the interview that compliance is often seen as the “hall monitor” rather than a welcome party to business conversations. To overcome that he recommends we focus on several methods for changing perceptions.

Establish Rapport
Be more intentional about truly getting to know the business people. Learn about the market, the business partners and competitors that they have. Show them that you understand the business issues that they face. Take the time as well to better know them as people.

Do Your Homework
Know your audience and their operation. Understand their point of view and the issues that they face. Walk a mile in their shoes. When he faced an issue with hospital registrations, he spent several hours working the registration desk to understand the situation better.

Anticipate Questions
Think like a healthcare leader, not a compliance officer, and how they may respond to what you plan on telling them.

Package Your Communications
Bring them both the problem and the solution. That helps alleviate anxiety and gets you closer to achieving the change you are seeking.

Listen in to learn more about how to sell your compliance program internally.

Listen now