ISO 37,001


By Joe Murphy, JD, CCEP, CCEP-I
Compliance Strategists
[email protected]

If you work in the area of FCPA or anti-corruption compliance, you have probably heard about ISO 37,001, the ISO standard for anti-corruption compliance programs issued in 2016.  There has been quite a bit of discussion and controversy about this standard.

I have raised a few questions publicly about this, including on the issues of how certification is done, and whether people should have to pay to have access to the standard.

I have now undertaken an in-depth review of ISO 37,001, and I intend to be as objective as I can be.  As part of this process, ISO has generously given me free access to the standard, and I have had the opportunity to communicate with a few people close to the process.

I would like to get as much background as possible.  So I am inviting anyone with comments or insights on this topic to share them with me.  Any input can be with attribution or without disclosing sources.  It can be just your opinion, or something based on actual experience in this area.  I welcome any positive, negative or simply factual input.

Thanks for any assistance or input you can offer.  Cheers,  Joe