Heidi Rudolph on Compliance and Technology [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

Heidi Rudolph, Managing Director at Morae Global, has spent a great deal of time considering technology’s role, risks and rewards for compliance teams.  She contributed an article on the subject to the newly released The Complete Compliance and Ethics Manual, and also spent some time talking about it on this podcast.

As we all know technology holds great promise for compliance.  It can help automate tasks, provide audit trails and train the workforce.  But not every organization needs the same technology solutions or can afford them.

For smaller firms, Heidi recommends beginning with a helpline, case management tool, and elearning.  These typically come from outside vendors but should be supplemented with internal resources such as a good intranet site and online code of conduct.

For larger companies, and those with more advanced programs she has a somewhat surprising recommendation:  start focusing on your graphics and design to ensure that your compliance communications look as professional as the rest of the company’s efforts.  In addition, she recommends taking advantage of tools for managing gifts and entertainment, conflicts of interest, policy management, and more.

But no matter what the size of your program, also learn about the technology the rest of your organization is using.  There is potential risk there, especially when consumer data is collected.

Listen in here, and if you’re interested in learning more, check out the latest edition of The Complete Compliance and Ethics Manual.


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