Dan Wilcock on Public-Private Partnerships in Stemming Corruption [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

For as much as there is talk about the force of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the impact of the OECD’s anticorruption efforts deserves a great deal of credit. By encouraging laws against foreign bribery, anticorruption compliance efforts, and grading the work of the countries who are parties to their Antibribery Convention, the OECD continue to raise the bar.

In Australia, the OECD’s push for more resources for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) seeking to avoid corruption led to the creation of the Bribery Prevention Network, explains Dan Wilcock (contact), Head of Sustainability Governance for the UN Global Compact Network Australia and Manager of the Bribery Prevention Network. This public-private partnership was born out of the work of more than thirty organizations working collaboratively.

The end product is a robust online hub filled with practical resources on topics such as anticorruption programs and conducting risk assessments. The Network also facilitates sharing of expertise from larger organizations to the SMEs in their supply chain.

Listen in to learn more about what they are doing and lessons for others seeking to start similar endeavors.