Compliance Certification FAQs [Video Series]

30bdf28By Stephanie Gallagher, JD
[email protected]

We frequently receive questions about compliance certification, especially the Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional–International (CCEP-I)®. While the folks at the Compliance Certification Board are always happy to answer any questions you may have (contact them here), I want to share some resources and commonly asked questions about certification. Most information about compliance certification is available on the website, which addresses general information, certification requirements, and study resources.

We also have a series of short videos available, in which seasoned compliance professionals discuss your compliance certification FAQs. In the video series below, Debbie Troklus, Frank Sheeder, Odell Guyton, Marjorie Doyle, and Art Weiss talk about why compliance professionals decide to get certified, whether to attend a Basic Compliance & Ethics Academy, and the difference between the CCEP and the CCEP-I, among other questions. The video below plays the full series of 15 short videos, or visit our YouTube Channel to pick and choose which questions you are most interested in.

The International Basic Compliance & Ethics Academies offer preparation for the CCEP-I examination. The remaining 2015 International Academies will be held in São Paulo, Brazil and Dubai, UAE. For more dates and details, click here.

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