Brittney McDonough on Finding Your Next Job [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

With seemingly constant news stories about layoffs, many are starting to wonder what they would do if they found themselves suddenly out of work and looking for their next compliance position.

There are several ways to make the process go smoother, explains Brittney McDonough, partner at the recruiting firm Barker Gilmore. That starts with making the right decision of how much time to take off after a layoff.

Many people, not surprisingly, are tempted to use their severance package to take a much-needed respite from work. Be careful, though, she advises. A job search can take three to six months, so taking six months off could lead to a year out of work.

That doesn’t mean, though, you shouldn’t take advantage of this time. You should embrace it; just be sure to use it strategically, balancing recharging your batteries with a thoughtful approach to finding your next opportunity.

When it comes to pursuing a job search, she recommends three key steps:

  1. Develop professional objectives. Think through what you want out of your next position:  What role do you desire? What level are you open to? What type of company? What size and industry? What do you want to make? Where do you want to live?
  2. Develop a marketing plan for yourself. Think about how you are going to sell yourself and end up on the radar of recruiters and prospective recruiters. Update your resume accordingly, and be sure that you have a current and accurate presence on LinkedIn.  Recruiters depend on it.
  3. Be intentional about how you network. Put together a list of contacts who could be helpful. Reach out to them and ask what they can recommend and who they can connect you with. Be sure to also offer to help them, too. Also pursue speaking and writing opportunities. They are a way to increase your contacts and open up more opportunities.

What do you do when a prospective employer asks about the job that you lost or maybe still have? Be honest but don’t go into any more details than you need to. You want to keep the focus on the job you want, not the job you have or had.

Listen in to learn more, and if you want to learn more about networking, here is a link to a book that was discussed in the podcast.c