Brandon Spooner on Compliance in Brazil [Podcast]


When compliance professionals think of Brazil, they tend to focus, rightly, on the corruption challenge.  Many may miss the fact, thought that it is also a very large economy, in fact it is one of the world’s ten largest.

In addition, the country has a very sophisticated business community and a substantial investment in compliance.  So much so that it is the SCCE’s second largest country by membership.

At the 2017 SCCE Basic Compliance and Ethics Academy in Sao Paulo I wat down with Brandon Spooner, the founder of Spooners Consulting to discuss the challenges.  In this conversation he shares his insights on a wide range of topics:

  • How far from hopeless the corruption is in Brazil
  • The challenges of cross-border compliance
  • The scope of the Brazil Clean Companies Act
  • The challenges of multiple enforcement authorities within Brazil
  • The need to fully understand the culture before diving in, including the importance of personal connections

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