Andre Bywater on the UK Modern Slavery Act [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub
[email protected]

The UK Modern Slavery Act has been law for some time now, requiring companies doing substantial business in the United Kingdom to disclose what they are doing to combat modern slavery, and to post a disclosure statement on their website.

As Andre Bywater of Cordery Compliance reports in the Compliance Perspectives Podcast, the UK Government’s first annual report on the Act was disappointing.  It found that modern slavery is on the increase, and compliance with the law was disappointing, with many companies not making the necessary disclosures.

In response, the government issued letters to over 17,000 CEOs, Andre reports, informing them that their firms were non-compliant.  The government will also be publishing a list of non-compliant companies.

Listen in as Andre explains what the Act requires, what is likely to come next legislatively, and warning signs of forced labor for your staff to look for.