Richard Bistrong on Learning From Live FCPA Training [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub
[email protected]

Richard Bistrong from Front-Line Anti-Bribery does a great deal of face to face training on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and anti-bribery in general.

While we were both participating in an anti-corruption conference in Beijing, Richard sat down and shared his insights from time talking with and listening to compliance professionals, the workforce and management.

In this podcast he observes that knowledge about the FCPA’s requirements is generally not the problem:  workers understand it’s illegal to pay bribes.  The challenge that they are facing is how to work successfully in high risk geographies where their competitors may not be playing by the rules.

Many on the commercial side, he has found, believe that compliance doesn’t understand the challenges that they are up against.  To succeed, he believes, compliance needs to admit to the challenge and invite business people to share with the compliance team the risks that they face and then work together to devise an effective response.

Listen in to learn more about what he has found is on the commercial team’s mind, and also the challenge when it comes to working with management.


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