Marsha Ershaghi Hames on Adult Learning and the Role of Leadership in Organizational Culture [Podcast]


Marsha Ershaghi Hames is the Managing Director for strategy and Development at compliance solution provider LRN.  She also holds a Doctorate in Education Technology.  She earned her Ph.D. studying the role leaders play in enabling organizational culture.

It’s an important field of study.  Tone at the top is something that compliance professionals discuss, but it’s about much more than compliance.  Culture permeates an organization in countless ways, and leadership very much drives that culture.

In this podcast, Marsha covers a large swatch of cultural and training ground including:

  • Taking the time to understand the audience before training
  • The importance of thinking about core priorities in terms of risks and themes for training
  • Designing a curriculum based on your desired outcomes
  • The importance of reminder messages
  • The risks of too many reminders
  • Thinking about a cadence to your training strategy: how frequently you train over the next 18 months or so, and the arrangement of longer and shorter messages
  • How leaders can more effectively support training
  • The importance of leaders being in alignment with the training and modeling the right behavior
  • How leaders can help by discussing the nexus between the organization’s values and actions
  • Hallmarks of how behavior change happens
  • The importance of middle managers in affecting behavioral change
  • Motivating rank and file employees around learning