Key Insights in Managing Third-Party Compliance and Ethics Risks [SlideShare]

By Doug Stupca
Social Media Coordinator, SCCE/HCCA
Original Presentation by CEB Inc.

Take a look at “Key Insights in Managing Third-Party Compliance and Ethics Risks” from the 2016 Compliance & Ethics Institute on our SlideShare Page. This presentation highlights:

  • Compliance’s current process for managing third-party risk focuses on setting and enforcing standards for third-party behavior, which places a heavy operational burden on the business.
  • Best-in-class programs account for the time and cost considerations that drive business stakeholders’ behavior.
  • The best companies make third-party compliance costs transparent, reduce the drag associated with due diligence, and harness the self-interest of third parties to their advantage.

The 2017 Compliance & Ethics Institute will be held October 15 – 18 in Las Vegas, NV. Details here.