Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Part 1: A Conversation with Stephanie Molen [Podcast]

By Adam Turteltaub
[email protected]

It seems shocking that estimates put more than 40 million people around the world today working in slavery.  It is a horrifying statistic, but it can seem like a distant problem, one that occurs in isolated parts of the world.

The evidence shows that it is far closer than people think.  It can be found in supply chains of global companies and even in the US, where estimates are that over 14,000 people are trafficked into the country annually.

Stephanie Molen is the Director of Partnerships at the Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (Cast).  In this podcast, she explains the scope of the issue of human trafficking and modern slavery both within the US and internationally.

She explains that labor trafficking is quite broad and can be found in a large variety of industries, not just low wage jobs. High-risk industries, she tells us, include manufacturing, agriculture, and hospitality, with domestic care increasingly becoming high risk.

She also takes us through how recruiters defraud workers and create a form of indentured servitude.

Finally, she explains what to do if you suspect a worker in your organization is a victim and how social services organizations can help.

In Part II of the podcast, William Shepherd, a partner at the law firm of Holland & Knight, will explore the increasing number of compliance requirements for organizations to identify potential human trafficking and modern slavery in their supply chain.


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