Gael O’Brien on the Impact of Workplace Loneliness [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

In an interesting study, with surprising implications for compliance and ethics program, Cigna found a very lonely America. The data showed that 61% of people are lonely, feeling that they lack social support and meaningful social interactions.

It’s a problem that doesn’t go away in the workplace, and it has real consequence. This loneliness at work can affect productivity, days missed and even turnover.

Gael O’Brien, an executive coach, columnist for Business Ethics Magazine and President of Strategic Opportunities Group explains in this podcast that there are warnings and lessons in the data for compliance and ethics teams.

For one, it calls for a focus on culture and ways to get employees more engaged and emotionally attached to the organization. Second, it calls upon compliance people to think about how they communicate with and interact with their colleagues.

And, it’s even more important now that so many people are suddenly finding themselves working from home, where they are likely to feel even more detached and alone.

Listen in to learn more about loneliness at work and what compliance teams need to consider.