You keep trying the carrots, but the business really only responds to the stick.

By Shelley Ball Saufferer
Twitter Handle: @blessing9922

You keep trying the carrots, but the business really only responds to the stick.  Budget, resources and engagement are at an all-time low (or missing).  Your boss says she has enormous confidence in your abilities to create solutions and leverage processes, so please fix these additional programs.  Sometimes you wonder if you’d even recognize what success looks like anymore!

First step – take a breath (and maybe a Tylenol…).  Second step – take a look.  Is the sky falling, or is it just thunder?  Chances are, things are not quite as bleak as it feels.  Chances are equally as good that you need to recognize (and adjust to) the new normal, which isn’t limited to just the compliance world.

Today’s business environment is more difficult than ever, with increased pressure on lower costs, better speed and the ability to predict and avoid any variance to these two.  For those of you who are “waiting for things to calm back down,” I have news:  they aren’t going to, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

It’s adversity that breeds creativity, not peace.  We may enjoy our relationships and collaborations more when things are going well, but we do our best work when we are pressed and, honestly, uncomfortable.  But then, this is what the compliance industry has illustrated over and over, with the creation of standards, programs and solutions born from violations and consent decrees.   The silver lining to your frustrations is that you may be on the brink of innovation which could change our industry (and your future); maybe those carrots just need a little more seasoning.

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