Use Your Compliance Resources

30bdf28By Stephanie Gallagher, JD

I’m often asked by compliance professionals how to stay connected and keep up to speed in the compliance industry. Throughout my career, if there is one piece of advice that has really stuck with me, it is, “Use your resources.” It is a broad and simple concept, but very powerful. This is what I tell folks when I am asked this question. Using your resources can mean anything from networking, reading industry publications, attending conferences and academies, to following industry blogs and news sources.

As many of you know, SCCE and HCCA just celebrated its 15,000 member milestone in March. With this kind of growth in the profession, compliance professionals are at an increasing advantage with the number and quality of resources that are available to help them be successful. While there are many great compliance resources available in differing media, today I’ll focus on some extremely helpful and easy online resources, industry news and networking.

Compliance is an ever-evolving profession, and it is important for compliance officers to keep up to speed with breaking news and events that can potentially influence and shape future regulations affecting the industry. This is where using your resources, especially breaking news and networking, becomes especially important.

The FCPA Blog is one such news source that has made a significant contribution to the success of the compliance industry and its professionals. “The FCPA Blog is one of the most informative and active blogs in this field. Dick and his Contributing Editors are some of the best in the business,” says Roy Snell, CEO of SCCE/HCCA.

The FCPA Blog, founded by Richard Cassin, is a wealth of current news and commentary.  While it started out providing real-time coverage of FCPA enforcement actions, it has expanded to encompass so much more. Its scope runs the gamut of white collar crime topics to whistleblower actions and False Claims Act cases, and has been cited by numerous national publications including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, and CNN, among others. Any new or seasoned compliance professional can keep up to speed on current news and events in FCPA enforcement by visiting The FCPA Blog and perusing its archives of more than 4500 posts by over 150 authors. Sign up for The FCPA Blog Daily News while you’re there.

Other resources include peer discussions. What could be more valuable than discussing real life issues with other professionals that understand the true daily life of the compliance officer? Face-to-face networking through conferences and events is a great way to establish and foster new connections, but in today’s digital age, we have additional options for staying connected with our colleagues.

Finding and joining an online community is fantastic way to meet compliance professionals. In addition to breaking news coverage, the FCPA Blog also offers compliance professionals a forum to discuss and share ideas.  HCCAnet and SCCEnet are also great places to join lively discussions about all things compliance. The availability of these forums is a fantastic resource for compliance professionals to ask questions, foster relationships, and grow the profession.

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