Ten Top Ways to Get Involved with the SCCE


By Roy Snell & Kristy Grant-Hart

The Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics has been growing at a record pace.  Do you know why?  Because people like YOU have helped to share information about the organization and the mission of the compliance community.  When people join the SCCE, or come to an Academy or a conference, they often want to get involved, but aren’t sure how.  Following are some great ideas for getting involved.  Why not start with one today?

  1. Writing
    You can write for:
  1. Speaking
    You can submit a topic for and perform speaking for:
  1. Referring
    You can refer your colleagues to us by:
  • Forwarding emails regarding Academies, conferences, and other events
  • Telling your friends about the events you’ve attended and suggesting they come along next time
  • Bringing your teammates and colleagues to the next event with you or sharing what you’ve learned with them
  1. Sharing Content Online
    This includes:
  • Sharing on LinkedIn on your personal news feed
  • Sharing on LinkedIn in groups dedicated to compliance, including the SCCE group
  • Sharing on Facebook in your personal news feed
  • Sharing on Facebook on pages dedicated to compliance, including the SCCE’s page
  • Tweeting links to our content via Twitter
  • Sharing on other social media sites, such as Google+, Instagram and Pinterest
  1. Certification
    You can get involved by:
  • Obtaining either CCEP or CCEP-I certification
  • Linking your certified status within your LinkedIn profile
  • Linking your certified status within your email signature
  • Proudly displaying your certificate on the wall of your office or home
  1. Conference Activities
    Where available, you can:
  • Join in the SpeedNetworking event to meet others in the field
  • Join in the SpeedMentoring event to either mentor people within the compliance community or become a mentee
  • Go to the yoga class or participate in the fitness challenge
  • Join the volunteer activity
  • Provide items for or bid on items in the silent auction
  1. Socializing and Support
    You can:
  • Offer support for the people who work within the field
  • Connect with new members online via sites like LinkedIn to welcome them to the profession and the organization
  • Stay in touch with people you meet at the conferences and Academies
  • Answer questions and share documents on SCCEnet, our social network site
  1. Providing Feedback and Reviews
    You can do this by:
  • Reviewing books and materials published by the SCCE on Amazon.com, Goodreads.com and other review-based websites
  • Providing feedback on the sessions you attend at SCCE conferences, both to evaluate the speakers and the content/topic of the session
  • Answering the surveys put out the by the SCCE
  1. Supporting Vendor Relationships
    You can encourage compliance-related vendors to:
  • Exhibit at SCCE conferences
  • Advertise in Compliance and Ethics Professional Magazine
  • Perform in a webinar where they share their expertise and best practices
  1. Volunteering for Leadership
  • Leadership of the SCCE is drawn from people who are active members of the association who spend a great deal of time writing, speaking, mentoring, networking with their peers, blogging and so forth. So if you want to run for the board of directors or assume a more active, leadership role, be sure to follow the steps above.