Steve Priest on What’s on His Mind [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

Steve Priest of Integrity insight International has been a part of the corporate ethics scene for decades now.  He’s worked with companies all over the world and is expert at assessing corporate culture.

In April 2019 we sat down for an atypical podcast.  Rather than dissecting one specific ethics or compliance challenge, we explored what’s concerning him these days.

The conversation began with a discussion of cellphones and how disturbing they can be, as well as the poorly understood data protection risks.

From there we moved on to the related and broad topic of another area where the understanding isn’t what it should be:  human psychology and behavior.  Steve argues that, for example, when it comes to training we tend to treat employees like children, telling them they shouldn’t do this or that.  He argues instead for a more prosocial approach, which goes hand in hand with the need to help employees better engage with the company.  That’s getting harder to do with so few employees staying with one employer for very long.

One potential solution for addressing these challenges:  get more professionally diverse voices in compliance, people with skills outside of legal and audit.

Along the way Steve also explains what he calls “The Three R’s” of putting in place a compliance program and the weakness of the fraud triangle.

Listen in and enjoy an illuminating and entertaining conversation.



  1. Good comments about the need for diversity of thought in looking at ethics and compliance. Scott Killingsworth also has emphasized this point that too often the legal mindset drives compliance program structure, and it’s not holistic at considering the human dimension.

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