SCCE Compliance and Ethics Institute Feedback

2014-snell-roy-speaking-headshot-200By Roy Snell

I did not know we had this feature on our website.  People can comment on their SCCE Compliance and Ethics Institute conference experience.  It was fun to see.  They are all very nice comments.  I am sure we don’t please everyone all the time, but I think there were a couple of comments that really got at the heart of what we try to do.  Cynthia commented that the conference has a “soul.”  Anonymous said they “left inspired.”  We try to achieve these types of outcomes that are not only hard to do, but sometimes even hard to describe.  There are more comments on the website but I cut and pasted the first page below.  I hope to see you in October.

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Cynthia Morrison   I’ve attended 5 – 9 times  

We are so very fortunate that there is an organization such as SCCE with a “soul” purpose of advancing the ethics and compliance professional. CEI is a rewarding experience for every attendee. Huge shout out to SCCE for starting every CEI with a volunteer opportunity. How’s that for “walking the talk!”

Stefan Wochinz   I’ve attended 2-4 times  

Another round of outstanding workshops and presentations. The CEI can be considered the leading forum for Compliance & Ethics Professionals in the corporate world.

Scott Killingsworth   I’ve attended 2-4 times  

Everyone is there. It’s that simple. Everyone you want to hear from, everyone you want to re-connect with, everyone you want to meet. And all the content anyone could ask for.

Molly Akin   1st Time Attendee  

The most intense, spot on, information filled conference I have attended in my 20 years of compliance work. Phenomenal!

Anonymous   1st Time Attendee  

This was a fantastic event that surpassed my expectations! It was more about sharing information than selling a product or service, and I enjoyed the social events where I met quality people. I left inspired to raise the bar in my compliance work.

Jack Matens   I’ve attended 2-4 times  

You all need to be congratulated on an outstanding conference. I speak and attend a number of conferences each year— have been doing it for 35(+) and this year’s SCCE was one of the best. All logistics handled – first class – as were all of the sessions I attended. Sincerely Jack Matens

John “JJ” Jacobson   1st Time Attendee  

This was the first time I attended the conference and it was wonderful to find so many people dedicated to compliance and ethics. I found something useful in EVERY session I attended.