Sally March on Organizational Ethics [Podcast]

By Adam Turteltaub

Not getting indicted is a very low bar to set and one that few, if any organizations, aspire to.  The vast majority want a company that operates lawfully and with an ethical culture.  But how do you get there?

Sally March addresses the topic both in this podcast and when she teaches at the International SCCE Basic Compliance and Ethics Academies.  While at the Amsterdam Academy she took some time away to share her thoughts on organizational ethics.

Join us as she discusses:

  • The growing expectation that the board should be responsible for creating an ethical culture, both because it is the right thing to do and because it leads to long-term business success
  • The importance of purpose and values for aligning workforces, no matter how dispersed they may be
  • The value of honest conversations about tough situations
  • Giving employees the opportunity to practice handling real-life scenarios, especially those that actually happened inside the organization
  • Soliciting feedback from employees as well as customers and suppliers
  • Making the business case internally for ethics


  1. This is my fist Compliance Perpectives podcasts I have listen to, I can’t think of a better one to start with! With this quick 11 minute podcast I am rethinking how to bring ethics into our training sessions in a different way to make the sessions more personal and effective.

    The Bacic Compliance and Ethics Academy sounds wonderful! That is going on my wish list For this coming year.

    Thank you!

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