IT Professionals: Train Me Now… Or Pay For It Later – From the 2015 CEI [SlideShare]


Here is a presentation from a recent batch of presentations uploaded to our SlideShare page from the 2015 Compliance & Ethics Institute about a hot topic, IT professionals and compliance. This session and presentation covered:

  • Technical professionals need more than a list of requirements to build internal controls into systems – they need to learn what questions to ask up front to ensure they have the right compliance requirements.
  • Explore the evolution and development of “Mission Compliance for Technical Professionals”, an online training program designed for individuals who are building privacy compliance into systems, software, tools, and analytics.
  • Learn about the challenges of incorporating subject matter experts appropriate to each of the various technical roles; training topics and key messages; recognizing and mitigating errors throughout the IT lifecycle: building, maintaining, and updating.


The 2016 Compliance & Ethics Institute will be held September 25 – 28 in Chicago. Save $575 on your registration until June 17, 2016.