Networking from the Perspective of a Law Student

Dara Johnson-Ayodele
JD Candidate, December 2015, University of Minnesota Law School

As a law student, networking is highly stressed. We are told that it is not always about what you know but who you know. I would have to argue that what you know can dictate who you know. By seeking the knowledge and information relating to how enforcement occurs when compliance failures occur, I decided to attend the HCCA Healthcare Enforcement Compliance Institute.

I find myself networking to find questions to answers I hold but to also “put” myself out there. It is about thinking outside the box to gain connections that can lead to possible employment. I find that some of the people I have met at other events that I admire happen to always be at the same themed events, and therefore I attend. I want to learn from the best in order to be the best.

In the greater picture I find myself interested in Heath Care Fraud Defense, however I believe I need the experience in enforcement in order to have the skills necessary to properly defend a potential client. If you are able to see the broader picture and to take the same case from both sides it is my opinion that you are better equipped on making an argument that won’t fall on “deaf ears.”