Gail Peace on Why Managing Physician Contracts is Like a Game of Whack a Mole [Podcast]

By Adam Turteltaub

Most everything related to healthcare compliance quickly grows complex, including physician payments.  While it would seem simple, each payment brings waves of complexity, with some organizations having more than a dozen steps in the process.

As Ludi President Gail Peace explains, it’s not surprising.  Stark Law and Anti-Kickback are complex, and there has been an uptick in individual prosecutions since the Yates memo.

It behooves organizations, she argues, to start thinking proactively and look at their processes, structure and accountability when it comes to physician payments.  This includes:

  • Looking at Lean Six Sigma to streamline efforts and remove unnecessary costs
  • Considering a physician spend management department
  • Recognizing that the physician contract is but the start of the process

Listen in to learn more about how to manage the complexity of physician payments.


  1. Adam, thank you for having me as a guest. Physician payments are complex, and many organizations aren’t yet structured to handle. Thank you for bringing light to the topic.

  2. It is not surprising that matters related to healthcare are so complicated and delicate considering numerous factors such as the training healthcare professionals will have to undergo , the high standard of performance expected from them as well as their personal ambitions to live quality lives themselves both materially, psychologically, as well as have an optimum health status themselves . All these places huge responsibility on the healthcare compliance professional in carrying out their responsibilities but personally I believe the healthcare industry should be seriously regulated and be made to comply to the highest standards of professional ethics.

    • Jean, thank you for the note. Providers really do have quite a responsibility. The contracts they have with hospitals, they too are complicated. But for good reason as you point out. Driving accountability in following these regulations is key for us in the industry to continue to hold out as the gold standard. Keep up the good work!

  3. Everything is very open with a really clear clarification of the challenges.
    It was definitely informative. Your site is extremely helpful.
    Thank you for sharing!

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