Ethikos Weekly Editors Picks: The Profit Potential In Running An Ethical Business



The Profit Potential In Running An Ethical Business

Steve Parrish for Forbes:
A better motivation for inspiring ethical behavior is the benefits it provides, both personally and financially. Besides feeling good about doing the right thing, principled business conduct can also be profitable. Ethical behavior is good business Read more

Leadership Selection – Ability vs. Nobility

Roy Snell for The Compliance & Ethics Blog
Groups, societies, teams, businesses, etc. are more successful if everyone in their population has a chance to flourish. If you develop a class system and say only certain people can have certain opportunities, you limit your pool of people to pick from. Civilizations have limited their pool of people for leadership roles forever. Read more

This investment bank has started scoring employees based on their behavior

Business Insider:
Swiss bank UBS has begun scoring employees specifically on their behavior, meaning year-end bonuses could be affected by whether they act ethically or are team players. Read more

4 Power Questions That Will Cultivate Your Leadership Tree

Jim Blasingame for Nasdaq:
Most agree that there are many traits of a true leader, including: highly competent, professional, visionary, trustworthy, instill confidence, good communicator and, of course, courageous. But great leaders have three other qualities that further set them apart.Read more