Ethikos Editor’s Weekly Picks: Google is Reportedly Drafting ‘Ethical Principles’ After Employee Fury Over Defense Department Projects


Examining ethics and compliance issues in business since 1987

Google is reportedly drafting ‘ethical principles’ after employee fury over Defense Department projects

By David Meyer for Fortune

After it emerged last month that Google was working with the Defense Department on a project for analyzing drone footage using “artificial intelligence” techniques, Google’s employees were not happy.  Read more

When crises come, ethically challenged firms such as Uber are most vulnerable, Wharton prof says

By Kevin Werbach for The Inquirer

At the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, my colleagues and I teach a required MBA course on legal and ethical responsibility. Many are skeptical that business people can be taught to do the right thing. To me, the goal is not to convey abstract moral principles or facts about the cases we cover, which most students will quickly forget. My objective is to help students appreciate, in a way that resonates for them, that law and ethics matter in business. Read more

Injecting ethics into boards through diversity

By Barbour Ulrich for Federal News Radio

For a business to function well, it requires oversight, which should come from a board of directors that tell the CEO what they should be doing, not just letting the CEO tell the board what should happen. On the show today to discuss the balance of powers between a company’s board and its CEO is Denise Keane. Read more

Kicking Horse Coffee CEO Elana Rosenfeld on building a business that reflects her personal ethics

By Sarah Efron for The Globe and Mail

Making the product organic and fair trade was really a no-brainer. I did not go to business school. I was a religious-studies major and women’s-studies minor. Really my whole take on business is ethics and values and also creating the kind of world I want to see.

So it wasn’t really a question of price. It was just a question of it being the right thing to do. I like to buy organic. At the time I had a garden and I wouldn’t use herbicides and pesticides so why would I do that in my business?  Read more


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