Ethikos Editor’s Weekly Picks: Empowerment, Not Punishment, Fuels Ethical Behavior



Empowerment, Not Punishment, Fuels Ethical Behaviour

employees huddle Natalia Karelaia and Benjamin Kessler for Insead Knowledge:

Past research has turned up solid evidence that thinking in terms of “we” rather than “I” leads to more socially responsible behaviour. Since feeling connected to others is a fundamental psychological need, it makes sense that such feelings would enable us to be our best selves. Further, researchers have shown that feelings of belonging encourage swifter adaptation to collective norms and goals.Read more

Give Your Team More-Effective Positive Feedback

thank you for your feedback Christine Porath for Harvard Business Review:

Research shows that one of the best ways to help employees thrive is to give them feedback. It’s one of the primary levers leaders have to increase a sense of learning and vitality. Giving your direct reports regular updates on personal performance, as well as on how the business is doing, helps them feel valued. Read more

Common Pitfalls for Managers Building Accountability

manager about to step into a pit From Fierce Inc.:

Daniel, a young manager, frequently finds himself frustrated that his team is not delivering projects on deadline. He doesn’t know how to fix it, and often uses a repertoire of different tactics to try to combat it. However, it seems that every time someone comes to him with a setback, he validates their reasoning. Read more

How to Increase Connection with Culture and Trust

positive company culuture From DecisionWise:

Culture could be described as the social operating system of the organization, the underlying environment that shapes social interaction and shapes the emotions involved in the company and its work toward a specific end. Simply put, it’s “the way we do things around here.” Read more

Are You Over-Thinking Your Decisions?

leader thinking hard Bill Bliss on Bliss & Associations:

We’d all agree, as leaders, we are called upon to make decisions. The question I pose today is whether you over-analyze or over-think the situation and your options before you are comfortable deciding on a course of action? Read more

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ethikos is a publication of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics

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