Creating a Compliance Training Series


By Mark Dorosz
VP of Compliance Learning, Interactive Services

Compliance training is a complex topic, and in order to cover the topic properly in your company, you’ll most likely want to plan a compliance training series. By trying to pack all of your company’s compliance topics in one training, you’re likely to gloss over topics that need additional details and depth, risk losing the attention span of your employees and have not all information be relevant to all employees.

Instead, try structuring a compliance training series. This series of classes can be done in person or as e-learning, and assures your employees will learn everything about compliance that they need.

This is an example of a common format for a series of compliance training classes:

1. Introduction to Company Compliance

This introductory course will be the mandatory class for all new employees in any department, even departments such as cleaning services that don’t usually deal with compliance matters. The class will introduce the basic mission and principles of company compliance, rules and regulations, and company-wide policies and expectations.

2. Compliance Topics Relevant to Department

Departments that work with materials related to compliance will each have a follow-up training, dealing with specific departmental needs related to sensitive compliance topics. Review departmental policies, and focus on developing a relationship of trust, support, and self-policing between the smaller departmental group.

3. Advanced Compliance Training For Managers and Executives

Managers, executives, and any employees who specifically look for compliance violations in their job description will need additional advanced training. The training will focus on keeping employees compliant, and what to do in the event of a compliance violation. It will also help higher-level staff come together and adjust the company’s mission and procedures as needed.

4. Updates and Special Compliance Topics

Periodically, company or government policies will change company policies and procedures, and it’s important to train all employees on the changes. Even when there’s no major changes, employees should all take a refresher course annually to stay up to date on the company’s compliance needs.

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