Art Weiss on Compliance in Privately-Held Companies [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

If you work in a large, global company these days, odds are very good that there is an extensive ethics and compliance programs. Yet, many wonder why would a domestic company that’s small or medium-sized need one?

Art Weiss, Chief Compliance & Ethics Officer at TAMKO Building Products has a great, short answer:  If you have people you need a compliance and ethics program.

Working for a privately-held company in the US with a strong ethics and compliance program he has seen why every organization can benefit from compliance.  As he explains in the podcast, issues will always come up and having a code of conduct, policies and procedures is essential.

He also points out that, regardless of size and geography, every company has certain risk areas that will require training:  conflicts of interest, harassment, gifts and more.

To those who object, arguing that they lack the resources, he explains that small can actually be an asset.  It’s easier to do face-to-face training, and key stakeholders are easier to get to.

Listen in to learn more about why every organization can benefit from a compliance program, and how to get the most out of your small-company program.