An Academy Experience Down Under

By Sheryl Vacca, Debbie Troklus & Marjorie Doyle

73634Sheryl Vacca

G’day mates! SCCE is having another International Academy in Sydney, Australia. Sydney is a great city to visit and has some beautiful scenery! The participants and instructors have been discussing the different challenges and opportunities facing compliance professionals in their respective industries. This is another enlightening experience for all of us. Once again, our challenges and opportunities for change in our respective organizations are similar regardless of our country location, culture, or number of resources we have.

From my perspective as an instructor, I value these interactions and appreciate the cultural viewpoints represented in these International Academies, as it is helpful for applying the international viewpoints to my organization’s operations as well. The compliance professional should recognize and understand that there are commonalities no matter where you operate and no matter what company you work for. We can utilize shared tools amongst us to help our efforts in developing compliance programs and furthering our ethics and compliance mission at each of our organizations. Networking, sharing best practices, and application of the content are definitely themes for this Academy! It is a great time! Cheers… Sheryl

032a troklus debbie 7-22-11 corpDebbie Troklus

We don’t just work, we also play. On Tuesday night we enjoyed a reception with our attendees. We had the opportunity to learn about our participants, where they worked, where they live, and what they do. It was nice to enjoy some casual networking. Everyone brings a different prospective to the Academy and many maintain relationships long after the Academy is over. The theme here is to always look to learn from each other. Cheers….Debbie

Meade Roach: Marjorie Doyle. Photo by Andrew Collings.Marjorie Doyle

Good afternoon from Down Under! I always learn from students about situations they have been confronted with and what they have done. I have incorporated those examples into my teachings so that these examples are being shared in all the academies. There is a joy in being able to help and see the growth in our profession around the world and to watch as all of us at the academies see that we are defining our profession.  I continue to be amazed at the commitment of the students in learning so that they can go back and help their organizations.

At lunch today I had one student say that she had a long list of things to try out when she goes back to her organization. I hear this at every Academy and we always talk about patience and to keep in mind that we have a growing band of professionals around the world to draw on for support. Once again, I will leave this Academy learning as much as I have taught and reaffirming to myself that I am so lucky to be part of the best profession I know. Thanks Australian students! Marjorie

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