A Compliance Museum Crawl


People in art gallery

turteltaub-adam-200x200-150x150By Adam Turteltaub

For an artist, having one of your works in a museum is considered quite a coup.  So too for compliance?  If so, we have made it.  Now you can take a tour around the world (or on your desktop) visiting museums featuring compliance topics.

First stop, since it’s the easiest, is the Herbert S. Winokur, Jr., Enron Board Records Collection.  It is available online, courtesy of the Hagley Digital Archives.  You can read the board minutes from the critical years of 1997-2001 and see what was, and wasn’t, discussed.

Coming to the SCCE’s Compliance and Ethics Institute in Las Vegas this October?  Make a side trip to the Mob Museum and visit the new FIFA corruption scandal exhibit.  There’s also a section of the second floor dedicated to corruption in general, the website reports.

Feeling like some more exotic travel?  Try the newly-opened Museum of Thai Corruption (sorry the site is only in Thai).  According to press reports, “The museum features 10 sculptures that represent 10 major corruption cases that have happened in Thailand.”

Know of any more museums to visit?  Let us know.

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