Ethikos Editor’s Weekly Picks: 21st Century Leadership Requires Moral Courage



21st Century Leadership Requires Moral Courage

From Joe Thornell for General Leadership:
Moral courage is in great demand today from our leaders. When I think about moral courage and work to explain it to others, I identify key elements of it and how each of these elements, when combined, create an effective and stable leader that others want to follow and most importantly, emulate. Read more

Slowing Down to Speed Up: Leadership Communication
in a Crisis

Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson on SmartBlog on Leadership:
While doing research for our book, “Navigating an Organizational Crisis: When Leadership Matters Most,” we spoke with dozens of leaders who weathered crises. The temptation to withhold bad news, soften the blow, or wait for more information is always tempting. We learned that naming the truth, pronto, is the crucial first step toward recovery. Read more

The One Mistake Leaders Make that Kills Employee Engagement

Christine Comaford for Forbes:
Employee engagement in the United States is on the rise! According to Gallup, “U.S. Employee Engagement Reaches New High In March.” “The percentage of U.S. workers whom Gallup considers “engaged” in their jobs averaged 34.1% in March, the highest level since Gallup began tracking U.S. workplace engagement daily in January 2011. Read more

How to Manage Poor Attitudes and Negativity in the
Workplace [Infographic]

From Decision Wise:
Negativity in the workplace has a stronger influence on an organization than positivity, so it is crucial to manage it quickly and effectively. In this infographic, learn the effects of negative attitudes in the workplace and how to better manage negative attitudes in your personal environment, or within the team you manage. Read more

Everyday Ethics

Bruce Anderson on SCCE’s The Compliance & Ethics Blog:
Negativity in the workplace has a stronger influence on an organization than positivity, so it is crucial to manage it quickly and effectively. In this infographic, learn the effects of negative attitudes in the workplace and how to better manage negative attitudes in your personal environment, or within the team you manage. Read more

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ethikos is a publication of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics