Answer to a Question About Becoming a Member


2014-snell-roy-speaking-headshot-200By Roy Snell

I was asked a common question again today. “I want to become a member but I want to know how much SCCE/HCCA does for my specific industry.”  I thought I would share the response.


We probably don’t have a lot of articles, blog posts, audio conferences, etc. specific to your industry. That’s not why I would become a member if I were you. The job of a compliance professional is not just about the rule of law. We have a country full of people that can help with the risk areas. Many of the fines and penalties are about mistakes that a 5th grader could tell us were wrong. What we have a problem with is preventing, finding, and fixing ethical and regulatory problems. That has little to do with the rule of law and risk areas specific to any industry.

What we do well, and why I would become a member, is we help compliance professionals understand the role of the compliance officer and the function of a compliance program. Enron, WorldCom, HealthSouth, VW, Penn State University, etc. all knew they had a problem and did not deal with it effectively. They didn’t need more help with risk areas specific to their industry, they needed help with preventing, finding, and fixing problems.

That’s what HCCA and SCCE does best. That’s why I would join. If you want help with specific laws I would join a legal association. However, they have been teaching the rule of law for decades. Businesses have been analyzing laws for decades and they are in a world of hurt. If we expect to fix the regulatory and ethical compliance problems in our businesses, by definition, we have to do something different than we have done in the past. We think that involves improving our skills at preventing, finding and fixing, ethical and regulatory problems.

Roy Snell

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