2019 Compliance Institute Guest Blogs: HCCA Conference


By Katrina Lee

This has been an amazing event in Boston! Thanks to CMS Kimberly Brandt for her updates and valuable information first thing. It is always great to here speak. I sat in on Ask the Stark Law Professionals with Bob Wade my old boss from SJRMC and he was awesome! Scott Eblin spoke and inspired us yesterday to take care of ourselves. We all matter! The Hidden Treasures session was interesting and I even got some questions answered from Charles Oppenheim and Amanda Copsey. Diana Nyad was the inspirational speaker today and her story was so moving and inspiring on day two. I’m feeling empowered. The last session was Everything Under The Sun(shine) with Rebecca Scott and Andrew Hill was just fun! They shared courageous stories of just common people doing the right thing. I appreciate the tips and insight. Thank you for a great learning experience in Boston!