2017 Compliance & Ethics Institute Guest Blogs: What Happens in Vegas at the CEI, Doesn’t Stay in Vegas…

By Tationna Tucker

This is my sixth year attending the CEI and every year I come back to work with several tips and tricks to apply back on the job and share info with colleagues. I still get as excited to attend now as I did on my first visit. Each year I see some the familiar faces that greeted me years ago and “showed me the ropes”. I have since obtained my CCEP and been promoted to various roles.

Now, as a veteran to the conference, I seek out first-timers to share my knowledge and tips for getting the most out of the conference. My top tips:

1. The sessions always hit the mark with industry trends and issues. Choose wisely.
2. It’s refreshing to discuss hot topics with E&C professionals. They speak your language and can offer different perspectives.
3. Start the day and off with yoga! ☀️
4. Seek out new vendors in the Exhibit Hall. Pro tip: save room in your luggage for swag.
5. Be sure to attend the networking events and Awards Dinner. Take advantage of meeting new people and the delicious treats!

Kudos to the staff that works so diligently to organize the CEI – job well done! So many valuable nuggets to take back home.


  1. Great post, and there are many benefits for compliance professionals, whether they are new of have been at this for decades. But I just have to add one more thing: After the awards dinner, don’t forget to stay around and dance! Joe Murphy, Chief Cha Cha Officer, Society of Dancing Compliance & Ethics Professionals (and also CCEP)

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